Monday, April 20, 2009

Ice Creaammm

"Living my life like it's golden.."

Credit: Adrian

If spring is new beginnings what is summer?

I would never wish my bad experiences on to anyone else. I'd rather take somebody elses' shit, take it off their shoulders and put it on mine.Whatever is hard right now know that you're living your life for this moment. The way you take on a challenge whether you take it as a blessing and let it positively influence your future or you ignore it shows a lot about a someone. Last weekend I learned to stop putting others' happiness before my emotions & Last weekend I learned to stop blaming myself and I finnaallly told somebody. (I released and I let Last weekend I took craziness and self doubt and turned it into energy with only my best intentions at heart. So as I sit here typing breaking out in hives every time the sun hits my face I am just completely grateful that this isn't happening to my skin a week before prom :) Yesterday night.. EVERYTHING fell in to place. Everything happens for a reason.

"I'll elude them all with a curve ball.." -Yhanni


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