"The VA Soundtrack"
"& I'll hit you when my flight lands"
Memories of lingering pasts
float and gather altitude
in space
with me
and my dreams.
crickets screaming.
I have fallen from the scene and
tuned in only to "the VA soundtrack"
At times I'd tune back into life
to meet hopeful governor, Deeds
or Luci B. Johnson
Somewhere in between track 1 & 2
I would explore Black Woman United for Action
and play tourist with
Miss Black USA and catch up with
a best friend of 10 yeas.
On the last track I remembered
my family and that home is where they are.
I remembered the beach and my "soon to be.."
I remember my girls and the reality of less
than ten days left with the majority of them.
"Virginia is for lovers"
But I'm back in LA again..