I was riding the bus home today and this couple got on. I think they were homeless cause they were a little bit crazy but they were soo dope. The guy was older, he was dark skinned and had a gray beard. The woman was white but very tan and she had these gorgeous green eyes. She couldn't have been older then forty.
So they got on and they were play fighting and it looked like they loved each other a lot. And when a couple of little kids got on they woman was said "look at all these people God made every single one of us." [!!!]
I was watching them the entire time and then all the sudden the woman says "Hey you in the back." I was like mm that's my cue to look down at my book and pretend I was reading this whole time. I guess she tried to get up and the man was like "Nope don't do that," and she said "I just wanna tell her something."
So she got up and came over to me and whispered in my ear "Hey woman, you're really beautiful," and then she kissed me on my cheek and then she said, "God made you beautiful," and she kissed me on my forehead. I think she was an angel; even though her breath smelled like alcohol. :-)
"Elect peace, not war. Elect Friendship, not animosity."
-Jody Williams(Nobel Peace Prize Laureate)